AHIMA23 On-Demand Sessions are now closed. CEUs will be uploaded to the AHIMA Certification Center in your My AHIMA profile by December 12, 2023. To view your AHIMA CEU record, login to the AHIMA Certification Center starting December 12, 2023 to view your AHIMA CEU record. For Nursing Contact Hours, click on CE Survey to download your certificate. If you have a question on your CEUs, please contact registration@ahima.org.
Prepare to be taken on a journey. With her insightful view inside the patient experience, Allison Massari’s riveting and informed keynote illuminates the immense value that healthcare professionals have upon a patient who is suffering. This dynamic and poignant program offers real solutions to the struggle of how to keep the patient first despite limited time and other practical constraints. By weaving her remarkable journey with potent life-lessons, Allison highlights the integral nature of person-centered care and fortifies audience members, reigniting their passion for why they went into healthcare in the first place. She explains, "The power of what you do goes far beyond the technical part of your job. You are healing the places medicine cannot touch. In fact YOU are the medicine." Hailed as “life-changing”, Allison’s content rich and deeply moving keynote offers a sincere and direct approach to transcending life’s difficulties and always finding a way to be the healer in the room. Audience members are revitalized, with applicable tools for managing change, adversity, and the everyday challenges of being human.